Tuesday, June 7, 2011

On Being "Derailleud"

Last week my rear derailleur failed me as I was biking home.  It's been acting a little funky on the 3rd and 4th gears for a couple of weeks now but I've been ignoring it, which is no small feat given those are the rear gears I use most frequently on my commute.  But this time, as I clicked down from 4th to 2nd to head uphill, the chain didn't quite catch properly.  It would catch and then drop, catch and drop so I was unable to get a full revolution and ended up having to bail on the hill.  I got going again, shifted down to first then back up through to 4th (which nearly killed me on that hill) and back down to 2nd.  It acted up again on the next hill but not as drastically.  I'm sure the derailleur is just slightly misalligned but it doesn't appear to be something I can fix myself.  So, I'll likely bike to work tomorrow (or whenever I bike to work next - I've been home sick for two days and am beginning to go stir crazy) and stop at my local bike shop on the way home.  Hopefully they can fix it quickly and I won't have to be without Blue Beauty for very long.


  1. Dear Ms. B.:

    I hope that your derailleur is feeling better soon...and you, as well!

    Meanwhile, may I suggest that you explore WWVB: What Would Vannevar Blog?. The author is an urban cycling enthusiast whose postings in that subject area may interest you. (He also holds forth, from time to time, about technology and aviation, which accounts for my somewhat unlikely interest.)

    Best regards,


  2. It looks like he writes about all sorts of topics. Thanks for sending me his way!
